Rock Type: Granite
Geologic terrane, element, or event: Rolesville batholith
Age: Late Paleozoic –
about 300 million years old
USGS 7.5-minute Quadrangles:
Knightdale and Clayton
Site Access: Turnipseed
Nature Preserve is part of the Wake County Department of Parks and
Recreation. There are two entrances with
parking lots. One is at 7100 Hunt Valley
Tr., Wendell, NC 27591; the other is at
1525 Pleasants Rd., Wendell, NC 27591.
Technical Information
Speer, J. A., 1994, Nature of the Rolesville
batholith, North Carolina (pages 57-62 in Carolina
Geological Society Field Trip Guide, 1994); See also description for Stop
11 on pages 105-107.
Speer, J.A., McSween, H.Y., and
Gates. A.E., 1994, Generation, segregation, ascent and emplacement of
Alleghanian granitoid plutons in the Southern Appalachians: Journal of Geology, v. 102, p. 249-267.
The Rolesville batholith is the
largest body of granite in the southern Appalachian region. It measures about 15 x 50 miles, and occupies
the eastern third of Wake County, about two-thirds of Franklin County, and a
portion of Johnston County as well. This
site is located in southeastern Wake County, near the Johnston County line. Here, there are numerous “bouldery” exposures
of granite and at least one flat “pavement” exposure of granite. These outcrops are all part of the batholith.
The rock beneath the ground
Granite is an igneous rock that occurs in three-dimensional
bodies called plutons. Granite plutons
range in size from a vein-like dike just a few inches wide up to the size of a
batholith, which (by definition) covers an area greater than 100 square
kilometers. In three dimensions, plutons
may be shaped like mushrooms or inverted teardrops, and they may extend to
considerable depth beneath the surface. In the eastern Piedmont, almost all granitic
plutons are between 280 and 320 million years old – Late Paleozoic in age
(Figure 1). The largest such body is the
Rolesville batholith, which is actually ten or twenty separate plutons that
intruded the same region over a period of geologic time, cutting across each
other and coalescing to form the batholith (a mega-pluton).
Figure 1. Late
Paleozoic granite plutons in the southern Appalachian Piedmont
(RV=Rolesville). From Speer and others
The rock itself
Rocks are made up of
minerals. Granite is composed of two
types of feldspar – orthoclase and Na-plagioclase, plus quartz and biotite
mica. Sometimes it contains hornblende,
muscovite mica, or garnet. It always also contains some tiny minerals in small
amounts. Granite is the most common type of rock that is quarried for crushed
stone, used in making concrete and asphalt, among other things. The granite at Turnipseed Nature Preserve is mostly
a light-colored, medium-grained biotite granite; if feldspar crystals are
larger than the other minerals in the rock it is said to have a porphyritic
texture. Some porphyritic granite occurs
at Turnipseed Nature Preserve. One of
the most distinctive porphyritic varieties of Rolesville granite occurs in
Johnston County. It has crystals of
orthoclase up to 1.5 inches and is termed a megacrystic granite.
Rocks at Turnipseed
As you explore the trails of the preserve, you will encounter numerous outcrops of granite. Most common are large bouldery exposures (Figure 2). Other outcrops are smooth rounded rock exposures (sometimes called “whalebacks”). In fact, along the Boulder Trail, which extends south from the Pleasants Road entrance, there is a large whaleback outcrop that provides a vista of the wetland to the east (Figure 3a). Here, you can see two varieties of granite (Figure 3b).
Figure 2. Boulder outcrops of granite at Turnipseed Nature Preserve.Figure 3a. Large "whaleback" outcrop of granite overlooking a wetland along the Boulder Trail in Turnipseed Nature Preserve.
Figure 3b. Close-up view of a portion of the rock in Figure 3a. Here you can see the dominant medium-grained granite has been intruded by a dike of pink, coarse-grained granite called pegmatite.
Another type of granite outcrop is a flat pavement of bare rock; there is a nice example located in the area of the Lupine Loop trail (Figure 4). In Wake County, there are several much larger pavements of granite to visit.
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